How To Help

Indiana Raptor Center, Inc. is funded solely by donation. We do not receive funding from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, or any government agency. Our funds come to us through grant applications, private donations, and fundraising events.


Paypal donation buttonDonations may be mailed to the address at the bottom of this page, or sent to us via Paypal. It’s as easy as clicking any of the heart-shaped buttons found on this website. Every donor will receive a letter to use for tax preparation purposes, since we are a 501C(3) organization and all donations to us are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Donations go directly to the purposes described below. Our staff is not paid for their efforts.

Thank you in advance for helping us to support both our education ambassadors who live at the center, and the patients that come here in need of our help and extended care.

Kaylee and Laura at a Bald Eagle release

Laura Edmunds releases a rehabilitated Bald Eagle as KayLee Witt captures the moment. Moments like these are made possible by our generous donors.

What It Takes to Run InRC

While the feeding, care, and housing of birds makes up the bulk of our yearly budget, we also must deal with many expenses that come with keeping the organization up and running.

InRC Average Yearly Budget Graph

Descriptions of Budget Items

  • Food

    Purchase of rats, mice, quail, chicken, beef, fish, food supplements

  • Vet care

    Treatments/surgeries, supplies and medicines, medical equipment

  • Transportation

    Vehicle maintenance and fuel

  • Facility maintenance

    Materials/equipment for maintaining enclosures, grounds; also bird handling equipment

  • Construction

    Building materials and occasional professional services

  • Office and mailing

    Printing, postage, ink and paper, computer systems and equipment maintenance

  • Dues and fees

    Professional organizations and license fees from the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), continuing education

  • Educational materials

        Including development and printing

  • Event fees and merchandise

    For our fundraiser set-up and public programming sales